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Graphics/sqsunbtn.jpg (979 bytes) Our History
Graphics/sqsunbtn.jpg (979 bytes) SW Area Officers
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Graphics/sqsunbtn.jpg (979 bytes) Past Meeting Info
Graphics/sqsunbtn.jpg (979 bytes) The Southwest Wire
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Graphics/sqsunbtn.jpg (979 bytes) Email Us
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Welcome to the APDA Southwest Area Webpage

The American Power Dispatcher's Association, Inc (APDA) is an international organization of over 2000 system operators, load dispatchers, and power marketers from across the United States, Canada and New Zealand who collectively exercise control of the interconnected electric power system.

The APDA was formed in 1946 by power system dispatchers of the electric utilities located in the northwestern United States who believed the Association would be of benefit to themselves and management.

More information on the benefits of APDA membership is available on our Membership page.


Any comments, ideas or information to make this a more useful website please click on the "Email Us" button.

© 2003-2008 American Power Dispatchers Association, Inc.
Southwest Area
Comments, Suggestions, Questions?

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